Monday, 17 February 2014

The resistance

Well, today I was put to the real test. In my last post I mentioned my two 21 Day Challenges.
The first challenge is 21 Days of exercise which I didn't think would be too hard as I work out on average six times a week anyway. It turns out it is, that one rest day makes a world of difference and I'm pretty sure i'm over exerting myself.
So today I did 30 minutes cardio in the gym and that was it. I felt like i'd really treated myself and it felt great having a nice long evening to relax.
But where I was most pleased was when a colleague of mine bought a box of brownies in. My other challenge, the one that really is a challenge, is 21 Days without chocolate!
Delicious, delectable brownies
These chewy treats were also within arms length of my desk. Unfortunately my desk is the one right next to the "goody table" as it is known, every office has one. 

The worst part is knowing they are still there tomorrow but I will persevere. 

I knew I had to get my sweet tooth under control and like many before me, saying no to sugary delights only led to me eating twice as much. So instead I just cut out chocolate, anything with chocolate as an ingredient. What has kept me going this week (which surprisingly has been the worst week, all I want is a Twix, bourbon biscuits and chocolate digestives, not much really) is knowing how well I have done now. It has also shown me I can do it! 
My 21 Days is up on 26th February, coincidentally, my birthday. So I can indulge without guilt in cake (which I can technically eat any way given that it isn't chocolate cake) and my lovely little chocolate heart a colleague bought me for Valentines Day. 

Thanks Charlotte can't wait to eat this! White chocolate and raspberry heart, lush.
I am going up North to my home town this weekend. That will be a challenge. When visiting my mums all I seem to do is dive into a dream of chocolate. She has both a "goody draw" in the fridge and a "goody cupboard" I hear it's a mum thing. So I will be doing my best to avoid those.
I will try to harness the strength I have felt today.
Wish me luck.

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