Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Walkies for Weight loss

I have received a few compliments about my weight of late. However, my gym time has significantly
reduced as a lot has changed in the last couple of months.

The big changes being we have a dog! We have also moved house which is, as everyone knows, quite stressful.

Kendal, the six-month-old black labrador joined us two months ago and now our lives revolve around her. We walk for half an hour in the morning and for 45 minutes to an hour on an evening.

This is the only thing I can attribute to any type of weight loss as I am doing nothing different other than reducing my hours in the gym.

The point to this is, if you are struggling with your weight and you find it tiresome spending time in the gym, perhaps you should start putting the miles in? Is that something you had ever considered?

I'm not suggesting everyone goes and gets a dog, they are exhausting but find yourself a walking buddy, or you can even sign up to walk someone else's dog if you think that would motivate you more.

It is such a sociable activity and there is nothing like a bit of fresh air to perk you up. As mentioned before, I am an avid Fitbit user and mine sings me praises every day now, I tend to reach all my goals which even on gym days was something I didn't always meet.

So if you are struggling, and you don't want to spend days on end in the gym, give walking a go and see if you notice a difference.

Kendal loves to play, it's such a joy being in the fresh air watching her play

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