Let's talk about GT, no not our favourite poolside tipple, the healthier option - Green Tea.
It is no secret now that Green Tea is good for you, I am an avid drinker of the beverage and I really genuinely enjoy it.

It is no secret now that Green Tea is good for you, I am an avid drinker of the beverage and I really genuinely enjoy it.

I find it refreshing and thirst quenching and the knowledge that it is doing my body a bit of good makes me feel even better.
But how many people really know about the advantages of incorporating Green Tea into your day?
The most commonly known benefit is that it acts as an antioxidant. This is due to a powerful phytochemical in the leaves called EGCG which fights free radicals in the body that can damage healthy cells and cause cancer. It also promotes the death of cancer cells, so while it obviously isn't a treatment for the big C it won't do any harm in helping you fend it off.
The EGCG also increases the amount of oxygen that your body can use as fuel while you sweat so having a cup before the gym isn't a bad idea.
Not only is Green Tea calorie free, it contains caffeine which is a known stimulant and another antioxidant called Catechin. Both can help burn fat as they increase the speed of metabolism.
The caffeine helps to block fatigue-inducing adenosine which will help you work out harder and longer, so when pairing GT with a good workout regime you can say bye bye to belly fat and drink as much as you like without racking up the calorie count.
A study published in 2013 from the European Journal of Nutrition found that regular green tea drinkers weigh less and have smaller waists, (just in case you wanted some evidence).
There are other claims which suggest drinking Green Tea regularly can reduce cholesterol, combat cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease and while there is no conclusive evidence for any of the claims, it can't hurt to add a couple of cups into your day anyway.
I know Green Tea isn't for everyone so if you can't bare the flavour you could squeeze some fresh lemon into your daily brew. This is something I do every morning and the addition of lemon only adds to the health benefits.
If you have a sweet tooth, squeeze in some honey (moderation please) to help you sup the full cup or alternatively there is a huge variety of flavoured Green Teas to try now, so experiment and find a favourite?
I cannot sign off without first saying, whatever you do, don't go out and buy those stupid Green Tea pills. They don't work and they are full of extra ingredients and chemicals that your body will not understand. These supplements make people believe that swallowing these tablets daily will be the answer to all their problems. Not only are they expensive but they do not work.
Nothing beats a healthy, balanced diet and active lifestyle. Enjoy having a brew knowing it will AID (being the key word) you in your healthy living journey. But do not ever rely on just one thing to change your life.
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