Saturday, 29 November 2014

A hair affair

Help me! I'm going bald! Okay that might be a little over dramatic but for someone who has always had nice, thick hair, thinning hair is a catastrophe.
It had been coming out either in clumps or one strand after another.
I know hair does fall out and some people have hair that comes out more than others but this is noticeably worse than usual.
My sister is also a hairdresser and told me it did feel and look thinner.
I am a big champion of natural hair. Often you see me walking around with wet hair as I like to let it dry itself and it is rare it is brushed.
I have to admit, I have felt a little more stressed than usual.
Both work and play have been hectic so I cannot help but think it must be the cause.
I am an emotional eater so I have eaten a lot of comfort food lately. I'm sure that has not helped either.
So what do I do?
Upon my research I found that the three key nutrients for healthy hair are vitamin C, protein and iron.
Vitamin C is great for looking after your follicles and scalp oils, iron helps oxygen circulate through the strands and you hair is made up of 97% protein so the more you eat the more it reinforces it.
So what foods have these essentials in?
Unfortunately for me, most of the foods I found that were key to maintaining your mane, I eat virtually every day anyway.
These were:

Fish/poultry - Salmon is the best as it is high in omega 3 fatty acids as well as a lot of protein. These fats help grow hair and regulate scalp oils.

Greek yogurt - Again high in protein low in fat and sugar. It is regularly my choice in breakfast. You can pair it with so much as I do. Often I will stir in some vanilla extract or honey and add nuts. Sometimes I would get a bag of frozen forest fruits out because the liquid that comes off them really is delicious on the yogurt.

Walnuts - Another food high in omega 3 and funnily enough they are also great on the yogurt to double up my hair growing abilities. Or you can just grab a handful as a snack. I have to admit, alone I don't really like walnuts but as an ingredient in something they are brilliant. I do make a delicious apple and walnut salad which is great both in summer and winter. I will upload the recipe for that the next time I make it.

Sweet potatoes - Ohh god do I love these golden vegetables. Quick fact, they are not actually a part of the potato family. The antioxidant properties in the beta carotene turns in to vitamin A which helps all the cells in your body function. Also they help keep your scalp healthy. I absolutely love making sweet potato wedges. They only take half an hour, keep the skin on for extra fiber and texture. Coat in a little olive or coconut oil, keep it simple with salt and pepper or spice it up with cajun seasoning, you really can't go wrong and it is a great accompaniment to salmon.

Spinach - Virtually all my meals contain spinach, whether it is scrambled egg for breakfast, salad for lunch or cooked, again with salmon and sweet potatoes for a super food splurge. It is high in iron and we have already learned why that is key. And to make it a bit more special it is also high in vitamin C and beta carotene.

Finally eggs - My go to meal. Morning, noon or night. You cannot go wrong with eggs. Super high in protein with some iron in there too. I literally have eggs all the time. After a heavy evening work out it is great for a fast, filling meal. I often make a big omelette and throw in anything I have around, mushrooms, spinach and tomato is a favourite. Sometimes I make a cheesy omelette for more healthy fats, protein and calcium or you can make it meaty by adding ham, chicken or any kind of fish. Smoked salmon is a personal favourite - particularly around pay day!

So what can I do? I don't know I will just keep trying to eat well and see how it goes. I will eat even more of these staple foods and hope for the best.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Autumn attire

Looking outside the sun was blaring, the sky was clear and it was a crisp autumn day.
The attraction to get outside and run was captivating me.
So I put on my usual three quarter leggings and vest top. With the nights being so dark now, Saturday mornings are the best time to get out for a long run.
But, as I found pretty much as soon as I opened the door, the weather was deceptful.
What do you wear at this time of year?
Last week it looked bleak and cold so I put on my running jumper and felt like I was dying from heat stroke.
This week I thought my arms and fingers would fall off from frost bite.
It is that awkward time of year. Visually, it is amazing to run in this weather but physically, I just cannot seem to get it right.
Covering my body up makes me feel too hot but as soon as I show some skin it is brutal.
What do you wear at this time of year?
When I covered up I wore long leggings and a running jumper, when I tried again I had three quarters and a t-shirt.
How about long sleeves and short leggings or long leggings and short sleeves? I tried that today at my local Park Run (which was fantastic btw - i'll fill you in lower down).
I wore three quarter leggings and a sweat resistant running jumper and it seemed to be the key.
Don't get me wrong I still got a sweat on, but who doesn't when running, especially at a faster than normal pace.
But I felt neither freezing or boiling. I think I found the balance.
I give it one or two more weeks and it may be time to start wrapping up head to toe, winter has come thick and fast. The dark nights mean running is limited for a small woman like myself.
So I will get out and appreciate the crisp fresh surroundings while I can.
Before the heavy down pours literally rain on my parade.

Park Run
I have really started to love this weekly event. I have run on it a couple of times and volunteered there now. If I run alone I always run 10k or a minimum of five miles, By no stretch of the imagination am I a long distance runner but as someone who tends to run well over 5k (the distance of Park Run), the shorter course is actually more challenging for me.
It takes me about 2.5k to get comfortable running but by the time I have settled into the rhythm I know that I am almost finished. So I have to push to run as fast as possible for my final lap so I can get a good PB. The shorter distances are more about speed for me. I always want to push.
Today, I got a place near to the front and did not let myself plod along at my long distance pace.
I said my aim was to get into the top 50 and run it in 25 minutes. I thought it might take a little longer to get there, however today I proved it is possible sooner rather than later.
I came 68/177 so I am getting closer and I did it in 25.09. And the only way is up!