Now getting a puppy isn't all fluff and rainbows, it is exhausting. Our darling Kendal, sleeps through the night but other than that, she takes all of our energy.
She wants to play constantly and she needs lots of walkies as she is a labrador. Where the walking is a fantastic way for us to keep active and enjoy being outside (unless its snowing and 7am!) we are finding that it is more difficult than ever to get to the gym.
As we both work full time, evenings are her time with us and we would be guilt ridden if we left her for another hour to go and work out, especially as we can do it at home. That's for another blog at a later date. But the rare opportunity came yesterday and I was able to enjoy a strong hour and therefore, I wanted to share with you my workout.
This is for anyone who struggles to find time to go to the gym. This full body work out is a great one for hitting all the tough spots and to continue the burn throughout the next day. It is broken down into three parts.
Do this a couple of times a week and you're golden.
15 minute cardio Hiit
I did it on the cross trainer by following this format but you can do it using the treadmill / bike / rower, or whatever cardio machine you want really. Just get sweaty, get your heart rate up and feel the heat.
Lots of weighted exercises (I do between 12 and 15 reps depending on the weight. If I want to move up a weight I reduce it to 8-10 so I get comfortable and keep good form and slowly work up to 15 reps over the course of the next few weeks)
Rest for about 30 seconds between each action
15 clean and jerk x 3 (beginners use a very light weight for this, it's brutal) I used 15kg
15 chest press x 3
12 shoulder press x 3
15 seated row x 3
15 squats x 3
20 bicep curl x 3
15 tricep dip x 3
25 crunches straight into 25 leg raises
Feel the burn!