Monday, 27 July 2015

The big move!

Again, I have been a little quiet on the blog front. That is because I am in the middle of moving house. It has taken me a few days just to finish this post!

So moving and packing is exhausting, especially when you have made your current
 place homely as I had. We have been so busy and there has been so much to do!

I have moved in with my boyfriend, Matt. We both previously lived in flat's so we couldn't be more excited to live in a house with a garden so we can enjoy some sunshine properly! (If it comes back!)

Men are so much different to women, it took one evening to pack most of Matt's things up. It slowly took us around a week to do mine, and did I mention I live in a top floor flat complete with a spiral staircase.

Matt's stuff was moved into the new place throughout the week and mine on Saturday. It took Matt, two removal men and me to get all of my things out in a reasonable time. 

Needless to say we didn't make it to the gym or for any runs for a few days.

It also meant we had to whittle our food supplies down. If I hadn't already mentioned, I am a hoarder! A massive one, and that includes food. So I had a few frozen left over curries and loads of eggs. So tea for the last few days before moving was whatever we had. As you can see by this image, one night that meant, left over curry and scrambled eggs. Surprisingly, it was delicious and satisfying. 

My "What's left" creation
It also meant Saturday night was a take-away treat night. By the time we sat down and stopped unpacking I was way too tired to even think about cooking. We also had a few naughty treats as little sugar boosts such as Krispy Kremes and salted peanuts. If ever there was a good excuse to eat dirty this is it! The pick me up was just what we needed! I am sorry but a banana would not have cut it.

We are both just too stubborn to miss out on training although we did avoid it during the weekend, on top of being tired we just did not have the time. Moving house is like a work out in itself anyway. Between moving everything from one property to another and then re-building and unpacking everything we were exhausted. But this is such an exciting time for us and we couldn't wait to spend our first night in the new house. It has been incredible and now we miss it when we're away.

Our living room looking homely and beautiful

It is our place, which is new for us both. It has our stamp on it and we love arranging and organizing the furniture to suit us. 

But today is Monday and it is virtually complete except for some storage and reorganising, so we are back on the straight and narrow. Nutritious healthy food and a good amount of gym time. 

Monday, 6 July 2015

The Color Obstacle Rush

I don't often take part in organised runs or races but when I do they are so much fun!

Twice now I have done a color run (It irritates me that it isn't colour - but I digress) and both times have been hilarious.

Last year was just a 5k event which was done in an attempt to get a couple of friends running. This year was done with a group of friends from the gym, so the fitness elite and it was a bit different. This one was an obstacle course, too.

The big, bouncy, inflatable courses just made the running part a doddle while you cried with laughter trying to sabotage your friends (or in my case, become a victim of sabotage) as you all try to dip, duck, dodge and dive though the bounce castle barriers.

Don't get me wrong, for the five of us it wasn't the biggest challenge but it was a great way for us all to get out together and have a laugh. To be able to get out of the house - or the gym - and do something that is in line with all of our favourite pass-time (sport/fitness) was excellent and just what we all needed.

We went in crisp white and fresh and what came out at the other end was a mish mash of colours in a tie dye frenzy.

The feeling of camaraderie at the end of an event like that is something that needs to be experienced first hand and for those of you who want to enter your first run or race, one like this is well worth the cash!

Five victors

The Girls

Feeling successful and ready for food

Matt and I in good spirits